East of England All-Party Parliamentary Group
The East of England APPG brings together the East of England’s MPs and Peers with elected local leaders – and the private and third sectors – to give a strong political voice for policies which support the East of England’s economy and promote its potential as a place to work, study, live and invest. The East of England APPG was listed on the latest Register of All-Party Parliamentary Groups before the General election. Its most recent AGM was held on the 5th of March 2024. Click here for minutes and here for financial statement.
What We Do
Click here to learn more about the APPG’s previous sessions and to find the details of any upcoming meetings.
Recent News
Levelling Up the East of England
13 December 2022
Levelling up in the East of England is a welcome ambition but has a “very long way to go”, a ground-breaking report has revealed. The report has analysed the East of England’s level of confidence in achieving the Government’s twelve levelling up missions, which were announced in a White Paper in February this year with […]
Charging Up the East of England: a Road Map for Electronic Vehicle Charge Points (EVCPs)
8 November 2022
Held Tuesday 8th November, On Tuesday 8th November the East of England APPG held a roundtable looking at the East of England’s charge point needs. At the meeting Andrew Summers and Naomi Green, the Directors of Transport East and of England’s Economic Heartland, delivered a presentation as did Neil Isaacson, the Chief Executive of Liberty Charge – both of […]
Ensuring the financial resilience of councils:
3 November 2022
Simplifying central government funding and increasing freedom to generate revenue in order for local authorities to be partners in addressing cost of living crisis, net zero and levelling up agendas On the 3rd of November the East of England APPG held a session looking at ensuring the financial resilience of councils in the East of England. […]
Levelling Up the East of England
Levelling up in the East of England is a welcome ambition but has a “very long way to go”, a ground-breaking report has revealed.
The report has analysed the East of England’s level of confidence in achieving the Government’s twelve levelling up missions, which were announced in a White Paper in February this year with targets set for 2030.
At the launch of the East of England’s Levelling Up the East of England 2023-2030 on 13th December, MPs, Peers, council leaders and regional partners heard that levelling up is a very welcome ambition to address inequality. However, there is still a “very long way to go” in the East of England if all twelve missions are to be achieved in the timescales indicated in the White Paper.
The report was prepared by the East of England All Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) and the East of England LGA (EELGA) in conjunction with a range of private and public partners including British Sugar, AstraZeneca, Anglian Water, Cadent, London Stansted Airport, Transport East and England’s Economic Heartland as well as academic input from the Universities of Essex, Cambridge, East Anglia and Anglia Ruskin plus advice from officials in the NHS, Homes England and Department for Education.
The report revealed there is currently only high confidence in achieving three levelling up missions: employment and pay; research and development (R&D); and wellbeing. There are however five where there is low confidence: better transport, increasing healthy life expectancy, more affordable homes, improving education and delivering more skills. These will be the focus of APPG meetings in 2023.
Read the full report here.
Read the summary report here.
Read the press release here.
The report was debated in Westminster Hall on 31st January 2023 – see here
The health mission was debated in Westminster Hall on 1st March – see here
The East of England APPG is kindly supported by British Sugar, London Stansted Airport, the East of England LGA, AstraZeneca, Anglian Water, Transport East, the UK Innovation Corridor, Freeport East, England’s Economic Heartland, CityFibre and BuildEast.
If you are interested in supporting the East of England APPG then please get in contact via [email protected]