Get in Contact

Registered Office

Daniel Zeichner MP

House of Commons, London, SW1A 0AA. Tel: 020 7219 8462.

Email: [email protected]

The APPG’s  latest income and expenditure form can be found here

Public Enquiry Point

Steve Barwick Political Consultancy provides the Secretariat for the East of England APPG. For information on the group’s activity, including upcoming meetings, please get in touch either by phone –  07826 872375 – or by email: [email protected]


The East of England APPG is kindly supported by British Sugar, London Stansted Airport, the East of England LGA, AstraZeneca, Anglian Water, Transport East, the UK Innovation Corridor, Freeport East, England’s Economic Heartland, CityFibre and BuildEast.


The academic partners of the East of England APPG are the Centre for Public and Policy Engagement at the University of Essex, The University of Cambridge, Anglia Ruskin University and the University of East Anglia.



If you are interested in supporting the East of England APPG then please get in contact via [email protected]