Levelling Up the East of England
13 December 2022
Levelling up in the East of England is a welcome ambition but has a “very long way to go”, a ground-breaking report has revealed.
The report has analysed the East of England’s level of confidence in achieving the Government’s twelve levelling up missions, which were announced in a White Paper in February this year with targets set for 2030.
At the launch of the East of England’s Levelling Up the East of England 2023-2030 on 13th December, more than a hundred MPs, Peers, council leaders and regional partners heard that levelling up is a very welcome ambition to address inequality. However, there is still a “very long way to go” in the East of England if all twelve missions are to be achieved in the timescales indicated in the White Paper.
The report was prepared by the East of England All Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) and the East of England LGA (EELGA) in conjunction with four universities, NHS partners and a range of private sector businesses including British Sugar, AstraZeneca, Anglian Water and London Stansted Airport. The report revealed there is currently only high confidence in achieving three levelling up missions: employment and pay; research and development (R&D); and wellbeing.
Read the full report here.
Read the summary report here.
Read the press release here.